Category: Tech Rants
Blue Host corrupts full cPanel backups after 1GB on Site Backup Pro
* Caution * Always verify your full cPanel backups from Blue Host when the downloaded file is more than 500MB in size. Well, actually, you should always verify your backups, no matter what. This has been a major problem with Blue Host for at least a full year now, as I write this on 2/9/2016. I have…
Finger Pointing and Passing the Buck
In the past two weeks I’ve had three different corporations pass the buck when I’ve asked them for assistance with their product or service. To be fair, in each instance, there was a gray area where it was a bit unclear which corporation was responsible for supporting me with the particular issues or problems that…
Cisco Linksys home routers no longer recommended by me
It is with great disappointment that I will no longer be recommending Cisco Linksys routers to my friends and family. I used to swear by these devices for home use. They have always had the best features and were the most reliable devices around. However, I have discovered that with the latest products (EA3500 (N750)…
technologies and protocols of a smartphone
Technologies and Protocols in a Smartphone. I’m compiling this list to demonstrate many (not all) of the great technologies that are employed in current smart phones. If you compare this list against the supposedly innovative contributions from Apple, I wonder which will be seen as the greater contribution and of greater value. I suspect that…
50% off for 6 months, today only
Signup or migrate your website TODAY (26-Jun-2010)?ONLY and get 50% off for 6 months! Promotional code is “pdx50”. Offer good for the first 5 customers only. That’s $4.98 for a business web site, and only $2.48 for a personal web site.
Ruby begat Satan (aka Rails) ~ Ruby on Rails is the spawn of Satan
Imagine trying to figure out just what Judas was up to, only to find/read “Jacob Begat Judas”, and needing to first understand what Jacob was up to before being able to know what Judas was up to.? Then finding/reading “Isaac begat Jacob” and needing to first understand what Isaac was up to before being able…