yahoo maps service backend fetch error 403

I have tried replying directly to the following post on Yahoo.

Unfortunately, Yahoo just responds by redisplaying the “reply” form and doesn’t accept my response.  I am therefore posting this information on my blog to try and see if others are having this same problem.

Basically, as the poster above states, I’ve been using this service for as long as I can remember.  And suddenly, last night (20-Sep-2011) the service stopped working.  I’m sure there is some news somewhere about Yahoo not supporting this service, but searching google for the 403 error does not produce any useful results.

I took the quick/easy way out.  I switched over to using the Google geo-coding service documented at the following address.

Perhaps someone can shed light on why the Yahoo service has stopped working?  I’m suspecting it could be because I was accessing it from an Internet/IntRAnet site that is not publicly visible.  But what do I know?  😉


7 responses to “yahoo maps service backend fetch error 403”

  1. We’re seeing this issue too. No changes have been made to our site and all of a sudden the Yahoo service is returning this error.

  2. Yahoo might be shutting it down. They have on their site:

    Yahoo! is shutting down the Traffic Rest API and the Traffic RSS Feed. There is no transition to a new or existing Yahoo! Traffic API at this time. Although the current APIs are going away, we will announce improvements to our Maps APIs in early 2011, which will include updated traffic features.

    It stopped working for me as well.

  3. Same here. It just stopped working. Been using this for years.

  4. I ran an interactive test today, and the yahoo api responded with a Lat/Lon. I’m not sure what’s up with it suddenly working again.

    I’m considering setting up dual-usage in my scripts. Using both Yahoo and Google. Possibly even more, like the service. Then, when one fails, it will just use one of the other services out there. Actually, more than just considering, I’m coding up the prototype now.

  5. They closed down the old one. You’ll need to update your code to using Yahoo PlaceFinder (or google maps api).


    Yahoo PlaceFinder:

    Just updated my ancient program with Yahoo PlaceFinder. Pretty much just the request url change and parsing the xml response differently. Their “precision” value changed to “quality” and that was about it.

  6. Yahoo Placefinder doesn’t show traffic alerts though right? I’m trying to get the traffic alerts that the old Yahoo API used to use.